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dns_get_record It fails and I am able to control the error

I am trying to make an application that checks if the domains are registered, for this I use dns_get_record () , but in some domains it gives me the following error:

dns_get_record (): DNS Query failed

try {
        $dominio = 'luna.info';
        $dnsArr = dns_get_record($dominio . '.', DNS_NS);
} catch (Exception $e) {

        if ($e->getMessage() !== 'dns_get_record(): A temporary server error occurred.') {
            throw $e;
        $dns = false;
if (count($dnsArr) > 0)
    return false;

return true;

/* PHP version 7.1.17 - suppress error and check to insure if a non empty array is returned */

$dnsArr = @dns_get_record($dominio . '.', DNS_NS); // @ suppress errors

// check for empty array (count == 1 is empty array)
if (count($dnsArr) > 1){
   // process when results present

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