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Is this the proper way to wait for this function to finish before calling it again?(React-Native)

I have a function that listens to Firestore database and fetches some data in realtime. Then it calls another function to make a calculation. Now, I wanna know if I am doing it the right way because I dont want the first function to call the second one before the second one is finished.

_fetchPatientsList() {
    function onResult(QuerySnapshot) { //first function
        this.setState({ dataSource: QuerySnapshot });
        this._calculateLocationDistance(); //second function

        .where('act', '==', 1)
        .orderBy('time', 'asc')
        .onSnapshot(onResult, onError);

_calculateLocationDistance = () => {
  //some calculations

I don't have full context on what you're building but according to the docs, onSnapshot runs anytime the document's contents change. That may or may not be exactly what you want.


If you just want to guarantee ordering of the functions, you could do:

        .where('act', '==', 1)
        .orderBy('time', 'asc')

or with async/await syntax:

try {
  const result = await firestore()
        .where('act', '==', 1)
        .orderBy('time', 'asc')

} catch (err) {

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