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Find duplicates in a Dataflow job - Python

I want to create a workflow using this example:


I want to do the exact same thing and I have created all the scripts but I need to modify a bit the Dataflow job to check if there is any duplicate values in the CSV that I want to ingest into Bigquery.

This is the Dataflow code:

    """dataflow_job.py is a Dataflow pipeline which reads a delimited file,
    adds some additional metadata fields and loads the contents to a BigQuery table."""

    import argparse
    import logging
    import ntpath
    import re

    import apache_beam as beam
    from apache_beam.options import pipeline_options

    class RowTransformer(object):
        """A helper class that contains utility methods to parse the delimited file
        and convert every record into a format acceptable to BigQuery. It also contains
        utility methods to add a load_dt and a filename fields as demonstration of
        how records can be enriched as part of the load process."""

        def __init__(self, delimiter, header, filename, load_dt):
            self.delimiter = delimiter

            # Extract the field name keys from the comma separated input.
            self.keys = re.split(',', header)

            self.filename = filename
            self.load_dt = load_dt

        def parse(self, row):
            """This method translates a single delimited record into a dictionary
            which can be loaded into BigQuery. It also adds filename and load_dt
            fields to the dictionary."""

            # Strip out the return characters and quote characters.
            values = re.split(self.delimiter, re.sub(r'[\r\n"]', '', row))

            row = dict(list(zip(self.keys, values)))

            # Add an additional filename field.
            row['filename'] = self.filename

            # Add an additional load_dt field.
            row['load_dt'] = self.load_dt

            return row

    def run(argv=None):
        """The main function which creates the pipeline and runs it."""
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

        # Add the arguments needed for this specific Dataflow job.
            '--input', dest='input', required=True,
            help='Input file to read.  This can be a local file or '
                'a file in a Google Storage Bucket.')

        parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output', required=True,
                            help='Output BQ table to write results to.')

        parser.add_argument('--delimiter', dest='delimiter', required=False,
                            help='Delimiter to split input records.',

        parser.add_argument('--fields', dest='fields', required=True,
                            help='Comma separated list of field names.')

        parser.add_argument('--load_dt', dest='load_dt', required=True,
                            help='Load date in YYYY-MM-DD format.')

        known_args, pipeline_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv)
        row_transformer = RowTransformer(delimiter=known_args.delimiter,

        p_opts = pipeline_options.PipelineOptions(pipeline_args)

        # Initiate the pipeline using the pipeline arguments passed in from the
        # command line.  This includes information including where Dataflow should
        # store temp files, and what the project id is.
        with beam.Pipeline(options=p_opts) as pipeline:
            # Read the file.  This is the source of the pipeline.  All further
            # processing starts with lines read from the file.  We use the input
            # argument from the command line.
            rows = pipeline | "Read from text file" >> beam.io.ReadFromText(known_args.input)

            # This stage of the pipeline translates from a delimited single row
            # input to a dictionary object consumable by BigQuery.
            # It refers to a function we have written.  This function will
            # be run in parallel on different workers using input from the
            # previous stage of the pipeline.
            dict_records = rows | "Convert to BigQuery row" >> beam.Map(
                lambda r: row_transformer.parse(r))

            # This stage of the pipeline writes the dictionary records into
            # an existing BigQuery table. The sink is also configured to truncate
            # the table if it contains any existing records.
            dict_records | "Write to BigQuery" >> beam.io.Write(

    if __name__ == '__main__':

My experience with Apache beam is so limited, how could I add another function to check if there is any duplicates in the value of the dictionary that my Rowtransformer create?

You can use the Distinct function to remove duplicates. Details can be found here

rows = pipeline | "Read from text file" >> beam.io.ReadFromText(known_args.input)
                | "Remove Duplicates"   >> beam.Distinct()

dict_records = rows | "Convert to BigQuery row" >> beam.Map(
                lambda r: row_transformer.parse(r))


Beam provides a drop duplicates method that works like others (Spark/pandas..) Method link

So you can do:

rows = pipeline | "Read from text file" >> beam.io.ReadFromText(known_args.input)
                | "Remove Duplicates"   >> beam.RemoveDuplicates()

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