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How do I specify a custom field for uid in an omniauth strategy?

I'm building an omniauth strategy to work with the Suunto API. The request to their token_url returns a response that includes a user key/value:


This is meant to be used as the uid value.

Based on the Declarative Configuration docs I tried this, with no luck:

option :fields, [:user]
option :uid_field, :user

This doesn't work because the field isn't present in the request, it's in the token_url response:

uid do

The Defining the Callback Phase docs has a note about credentials , but there's no usage example.

What should I add/edit in my strategy that will tell it to set the uid value to the user that's returned from the token request's response?

Ah. I figured it out: This goes into the strategy:

uid { raw_info["user"] }

def raw_info
  @raw_info ||= access_token

At that point in raw_info , access_token is the hash that I included in the opening of my question.

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