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Test Automation ZAP & E2E (Cypress)

in the end I managed to achieve my goal with e2e and ZAP (using Docker).

So, I able to see the results from http://localhost:8091/OTHER/core/other/htmlreport or from the terminal of my local pc (using curl -X GET)


  • GitLab Repository with e2e tests, run with Cypress (linux image)
  • Docker image with ZAP (latest version)

For the moment I'm thinking about using ZAP as a service in the yml file. This means, i will also have to update the package.json file and the dockerfile, in order to divert traffic here from Cypress container, and run ZAP.

  • Cypress : forwarding the traffic (via proxy) to ZAP (option HTTP_PROXY = http://containerAlias_port )
  • ZAP Daemon : listening at localhost to receive the data from e2e (also using port binding)

Example of gitlab-ci.yml:

 - name: owasp/zap2docker-stable:latest
   alias: zap
       - "8092:8092"
   entrypoint: ["zap.sh", "-daemon", "-port", "8092", "-host", "", "-config", "api.disablekey=true", "-config", "api.addrs.addr.name=.*", "-config", "api.addrs.addr.regex=true"] 

The problems are:

1) How to get results from the Daemon in such environment? Because the "terminal" with CURL is not so suitable for CI/CD

2) The main problem is how to get results. Using the terminal locally is not a very "automated" solution, and I would like to have the opportunity to save a report file (html or json). I tried with the Baseline Scan but I have big problems targeting the ip address where the tests are performed. Are there other possible solutions? Maybe even with Daemon to get around this problem?

The approach mentioned in the docs works for me:

Run ZAP as a daemon listening on "" :

docker run -p 8090:8090 -i owasp/zap2docker-stable zap.sh -daemon -port 8090 -host

Find out the container id:

docker ps

Find out which address has been assigned to it:

docker inspect <CONTAINER ID> | grep IPAddress

You should be then able to point your browser at the specified host/port and access the ZAP API, eg

Then, I use the following url to view the report & to publish in jenkins using the htmlpublisher plugin. You can use also curl/wget to download it:

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