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MVC controller action with url parameter

I have a GET action in a controller and it needs to accept a parameter. This is for an edit view so I pass in the id (which is of type Guid) to the action.

Currently my URL looks like


Is there a way to make the urls look a little prettier, like this?


My action signature:

public ActionResult Edit(Guid ItemId)

My route:

    name: "Default",
    url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Yes, putting [FromRoute] in the action signature should do it. I mean

public ActionResult Edit([FromRoute]Guid id)

In this case the id variable will contain the <Guid> part controller/Edit/<Guid> of the URL.

It is important, that the parameter name id should be the same as the route parameter name {id} in the mapping.

Another option is to use attribute routing:

public ActionResult Edit(Guid ItemId)
{ }

And then enable it where you register your routes:


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