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Integration of Kony with Azure DevOps Server 2019

One of my customer is Using Kony Platform to build Android and iOS mobile application using Kony Studio.

When working with Kony Studio, they are able to generate the Android.apk files in the bin folder, based on the debug or release mode.

When we try to integrate it with Azure DevOps Server 2019, the build pipeline passes, but when we check the logs we see an error about not able to generate the apk files for Android. The iOS files builds fine, but Android throws build error "with startup code failed".

We are currently using only "Ant" utility task in the pipeline.

So, do we need to add any Kony related services in the Build Pipeline or a regular Ant task should help?. Also how can we add any Market place or service connections for Kony in the build pipeline to generate apk in DevOps pipeline?.

Thanks In Advance..!..

Before using Azure DevOps Server to build the Android project, you need to make sure the.apk file can be generated locally with Ant utility on build agent machine. DevOps pipeline calls Ant utility to build the.xml file, if the.apk file can be generated locally using Ant , it's supposed to be able to generate during pipeline.

You may try generating a new build.xml file with command android update project -p <PATH TO CHKOUT DIR> and test again.

Refer to this blog:


Or you can follow the link below to use Gradle to build your Android project instead of Ant :


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