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PopUp to open a link and close itself

I have set up a popup that offers a visitor the choice of two links. If either one of the links is clicked on, I would like for (1) the popup to close itself and (2) the selected link to open in a new window. What occurs now when one of the two offered links is chosen is (1) the popup closes itself and (2) an empty new window opens. How can I get the selected link to display in the new window? Thank you.

Here is the code I have written:

In the main window's HEAD:

    function OpenQuick() 
    var windowcontents = "https://myurl.com/quicklink.html";
    var win =window.open(windowcontents,"remote",'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=0,width=450,height=425');

In the Body of the main window:

    <a href="javascript:OpenQuick();"><img src="https://www.myurl.com/images/link.gif"></a>

In the POPUP:

    <a href="choiceone.html" target="_blank" onclick="self.close();">First Choice</a>
    <a href="choicetwo.html" target="_blank" onclick="self.close();">Second Choice</a>    

In case this might help. I don't propose any change to OpenQuick():

function OpenQuick() {
  var windowcontents = "https://myurl.com/quicklink.html";
  var win=window.open( windowcontents, "remote", "(whatever)");
<a href="#" onclick="OpenQuick();"><img src="(someimage)"></a>

In new / popup -

    <a href="choiceone.html" target="anyname" onclick="newRoutine();">Choice1</a>
    <a href="choicetwo.html" target="anyname" onclick="newRoutine();">Choice2</a> 

With javascript definition of the newRoutine on that popup -

function newRoutine () {
  setTimeout( function () { self.close(); }, 1000); // 1000 is in ms = 1s

The idea being to give the popup a bit of time before trying the close.

Yishmeray, You wrote, "In case this might help", Not only did it help. your solution answered my question and solved my problem, I urge anyone who has a similar issue to try adapting Yishmeray's suggestion to their situation, It's simple, it's easy to understand. and it works! Yishmeray, thank you.

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