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Controller for model in Dymola

I need to control a flow that over time will go down to zero. From Matlab I have constructed ax and y graph where x is time and y is the Q-flow(Heat). What kind of controller could I use for this? I have looked at Ramp or firstorder.

From the picture the red circle is where I want to connect the controller.


Modelica.Blocks.Sources.TimeTable and Modelica.Blocks.Sources.CombiTimeTable should do the trick. You might even be able to copy-paste your xy array from matlab.

(Personal advice: pay attention to the documentation; only considering the icon, I messed up sometimes the vector index I wanted to connect as the output)

I'm not familiar with the components in your picture. But if the red circled component adds a prescribed heat to the fluid stream you could simply connect a Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp to its RealInput connector.

Best regards Rene Just Nielsen

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