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How to properly chain RxJS observables together with a for loop?

I have a projectService to retrieve projects. Each project in turn has methods to retrieve corresponding tags and modules.

What i try to do is populate an instance property projects: Project[] with all corresponding tags and modules and when everything is populated call another method, which depends on the data.

I know my approach is not working because my map operation returns the projects before the observables in the for loop complete, but I have no idea how to do it properly.

class ProjectService {
  getAll(): Observable<Project[]> {...}
class Project {
  tagCollection: Tag[];
  moduleCollection: Module[];

  getTags(): Observable<Tag[]> {...}
  getModules(): Observable<Module[]> {...}
    map(projects => {
      for (const project of projects) {
        project.getTags().subscribe(tags => {
          project.tagCollection = tags;
        project.getModules().subscribe(modules => {
          project.modules = modules;
      return projects;
  .subscribe(projects => {
    this.projects = projects;


I have tried both solutions and edited them to retain the project type and use a similar coding style. Both solutions work and seem to do the same thing in my project context. But I'm unsure which solution is better and if the edits i made are breaking any reactive best practices. Can someone elaborate on this?

Solution 1 from Reqven

    switchMap(projects =>
        projects.map(project =>
          combineLatest([project.getTags(), project.getModules()]).pipe(
            map(([tags, modules]) => {
              project.tagCollection = tags;
              project.modules = modules;
              return project;
  .subscribe(projects => {
    this.projects = projects;

Solution 2 from NateDev

    mergeMap(projects => from(projects)),
    mergeMap(project => 
      combineLatest([project.getTags(), project.getModules()]).pipe(
        map(([tags, modules]) => {
          project.tagCollection = tags;
          project.modules = modules;
          return project;
  .subscribe(projects => {
    this.projects = projects;

Would something like that work for you?
Might need some tweaking to fit your project, but it seems to be working.

    switchMap(projects => !projects.length
      ? of([])
      : combineLatest(
          projects.map(project => combineLatest([
            map(([tags, modules]) => ({tags, modules})),
            map(data => ({
              tagCollection: data.tags,
              moduleCollection: data.modules
  ).subscribe(projects => {
    this.projects = projects;

There a many different ways to perform batch calls asynchronously.

So what I like to do is flatten my data as I believe it's easier to perform operations on a more flat structure. After I'm done performing operations on the objects I regroup/reassemble them using the toArray operator

If you have any question regarding the operators I used feel free to ask. I highly recommend you to play around with the different rxjs transformation operators .

Be aware my code below is definitely not the best solution, but it works fine!

Hope it works for you! StackBlitz

import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable, of, from, combineLatest } from 'rxjs'
import { delay, map, mergeMap,switchMap, toArray } from 'rxjs/operators';

  selector: 'hello',
  template: `<h1>Hello {{name}}!</h1>`,
  styles: [`h1 { font-family: Lato; }`]
export class HelloComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() name: string;

  data: Partial<Project>[] =  [
    { name: 'foo'},
    { name: 'foo'}

  ngOnInit() : void {
      mergeMap(projects => from(projects)),
      mergeMap((project) => {
        const tag$ = this.getTagsByProjectName(project.name);
        const module$ = this.getModuleByProjectName(project.name);
        return combineLatest([tag$,module$]).pipe(map(([tag,module]) => ({...project, tag, module})))
      next: projects => {
        this.name = JSON.stringify(projects);

  getProjects() : Observable<Partial<Project>[]> {
    return of(this.data).pipe(

  getTagsByProjectName(name: string){
    const tag = 'bar';
    return of(tag).pipe(delay(100));

  getModuleByProjectName(name: string){
    const module = 'baz';
    return of(module).pipe(delay(100));

interface Project {
  name: string; 
  tag: string; 
  module: string;

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