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Nested this in Stencil.js components

I am wondering if there is an easier way to use a nested "this" in a Stencil.js component.

At the moment I am doing this:

render() {
    let thisNested = this;

    return <Host>
        {this.images ?

          this.imagesArray.map(function (el) {
            return <img
              // @ts-ignore
              src={thisNested.imageSize ? thisNested.imageSize : el.url}/>
          }) : <slot/>}

But I am always repeating myself writing a nested this variable as seen above.

Is there a more elegant way to do what I need?

Use arrow function:

 render() { return <Host> {this.images? this.imagesArray.map((el) => (<img // @ts-ignore src={this.imageSize || el.url}/> )): <slot/>} </div> </Host>; }

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