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Waiting for the dTypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The “id” argument must be of type string. Received undefined

I'm writing a discord bot using the discord.js v12.2.0 library and I get this error:

Waiting for the dTypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "id" argument must be of type string. Received undefined

This is my code:

const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
const { VultrexDB } = require("vultrex.db");
const messageData = new VultrexDB({
    name: "messages"

module.exports.run = (client, message, args) => {
    const member = message.mentions.members.first() || message.guild.members.cache.get(args[0]) || message.member;
    const messages = messageData.get(`${message.guild.id}-${member.id}`, 0);

    message.chanel.send(new MessageEmbed()
        .setAuthor(`Data | ${member.user.username}`, member.user.displayAvatarURL())
        .addField("Messages Sent:", messages, true)

module.exports.help = {
    name: "messages",
    description: "view the amount of messages sent by a member"

module.exports.requirements = {
    clientPerms: ["EMBED_LINKS"],
    userPerms: [],
    ownerOnly: false

You should learn to debug especially since this error practically tells you the answer. Did it tell you which line? If so there;s your answer but incase it didnt:

  1. Tells you invalid arg, this means you called a function (including a new class), and the arguments you passed in were invalid
  2. Argument was undefined

new VultrexDB , message.mentions.members.first , message.mentions.members.cache.get , messageData.get , new MessageEmbed , setColor , setAuthor , addField

you can rule out MessageEmbed and message.mentions.members.first since they don't require any arguments, setColor , setAuthor , and addField` all are giving arguments

that leaves new VultrexDB , message.mentions.members.cache.get and messageData.get

for message.mentions.members.cache.get , it only requires one argument, the id, and you pass it by args[0] , so to check if this is the problem just check if you have args

for new VultrexDB and messageData.get , those are VultrexDB based and idk it, so just look at a guide or the documentation if they have one.

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