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getting TS1005 typescript error after runing npm start in nestjs project

I ran a nodejs project that use nestjs. after installing all packages with npm install and runing npm run start command I got this error and I searched many times but I didn't find any solution. here is error

      TS1005: ';' expected.

I tried with 2 typescript versions 2.7.1 and 3.6 but it didn't work.

here is some information about my system and that project:

OS : win10 x64 however I tried it with Ubuntu18

typescript version : I tried with 2.7 and 3.6 versions and I got the same error

monogdb version :3.5.6. mongodb package

It's hard to tell why this happens exactly with the information you provided, however as a workaround you can try skipping the check of all declarations files by setting the following option in your tsconfig :

skipLibCheck: true

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