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Powershell get current script directory name only

I'm trying to get in a variable in my script the current folder name, ONLY the folder name.

Everything that i can find on internet is like this:

PS C:\temp> get-location


i get the C:\Temp location. I want only the Temp name in my variable.

How is it possible?


You can use Split-Path to get the folder name from Get-Location with -Leaf :

PS C:\temp> Get-Location


PS C:\temp> Split-Path -Path (Get-Location) -Leaf

We can also use the automatic variable $PWD to get the current directory:

PS C:\temp> Split-Path -Path $pwd -Leaf

Or using the automatic variable $PSScriptRoot , which uses the current directory the script is being run in:

Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Leaf

From the documentation for -Leaf :

Indicates that this cmdlet returns only the last item or container in the path. For example, in the path C:\Test\Logs\Pass1.log, it returns only Pass1.log.

Additionally, as @Scepticalist mentioned in the comments, we can use Get-Item and select the BaseName with Select-Object from a specific folder(instead of just the current working directory):

PS C:\> Get-Item -Path c:\temp | Select-Object -Property BaseName


Or just select the BaseName property directly with Member Enumeration (PowerShell v3+):

PS C:\> (Get-Item -Path C:\temp).BaseName

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