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React + Formik - how to pass in new values and set form as dirty?

I have a Formik form in my React app and I have a specific scenario I can't seem to find a workaround for:

I have a toggle outside of my custom form component that essentially "sets everything in the form to false". My current solution is when that gets toggled, I update the props I'm passing to form component, and re-rendering:

In my Form component:

const [initialState, setInitialState] = useState(props.initialState);

useEffect(() => {
}, [props.initialState]);



This does correctly update my form with the new values, but it doesn't set the form to be dirty . I have logic in my form component based on whether it is dirty, and in this scenario I want the form to be considered dirty. I first tried to set each field to be touched or include each one in initialTouched . However, dirty is computed comparing current values to initialState , not whether fields have been touched, so my form here is considered "pristine" because it is literally the same as my (new) initial state.

What I'm looking for is either:

  • A way to pass in these new values as something other than initialState (ie somehow imperatively set values from outside <Formik /> ) that would cause dirty to be computed as true
  • A way to force my form to be dirty (it's a read-only property, but if there is another way to mimic it and force it to be true)
       onSubmit={(values, { setSubmitting, resetForm }) => {
          setTimeout(async () => {

            // it will set formik.isDirty to false
            // it will also keep new values
            resetForm({ values });  

          }, 100);

Have you tried using the onReset property? That should allow you to pass values from any source you want.

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