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Symfony 4 : How to delete a file from folder using remove function of the filesystem component

I am trying to remove a file from folder using remove function of the filesystem component in Symfony 4.

Here is my code in the controller:

//Get old logo
$oldlogo = $employer->getLogo();
//If there is a old logo we need to detele it
       $filesystem = new Filesystem();

private $targetDirectory;

public function __construct($targetDirectory)
        $this->targetDirectory = $targetDirectory;

public function getTargetDirectory()
        return $this->targetDirectory;


    logos_directory: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/uploads/logos'

            $targetDirectory: '%logos_directory%'

I have no error message but the file not deleted from the folder.

I using this solution:

in my services.yaml I add:

public_directory: '%kernel.project_dir%/public'

and in my controller I use

$filesystem = new Filesystem();

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