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creating simple html page with typo3

i have just installed typo3 but i'm not able to create a simple html page. I create a new page with the "page" tool but i cannot see it with the "view" tool. I only can see "not found" in the navigator. ¿where are saved the html pages that you create with typo3? regards.

at first a warm welcome to the TYPO3 community!

TYPO3 does not create HTML files, but save the rendered pages in a cache system.

To get a well installed TYPO3 producing frontend output you need a few steps:

  1. A root page in the page tree (your entry point to the page tree)
  2. A site created with the sites module for the root page (handles domains, languages etc.)
  3. A TypoScript template record at the root page (rendering definition for your page tree below the root page)

You will find documentation for this here:

TYPO3 page tree:

TYPO3 site handling:

TYPO3 template record:

TypoScript quick overview:

TypoScript FLUIDTEMPLATE (Fluid is the TYPO3 template engine):

May be it could be interesting for you to install a distribution first, where everything is working already, so you will get a quick result:

If you have problems with your installation have a look there:

I hope this will help you.

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