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Cheerio: How to get all tags under a grandparent

I would like to grab all img tags under an arbitrary level of nested siblings from a specified parent tag but my implementation isn't printing out any el .

<div class='grand'>
        <img src='1.png'>
            <img src='2.png'>
    <img src='3.png'>

My implementation so far:

let images = $('div.grand').siblings().find('img')
images.each((i, el) => {
    console.log($(el).html()) //prints empty string

Essentially, I would like to obtain the same result as the soup.findAll('img') of BeautifulSoup in python.

Your code doesn't print out the empty string - it doesn't print anything in the each , because no elements are matched.

To find elements matching a selector which are a descendant of elements matching another selector, put a space between them. Here, for img s which descent from .grand , you'd use .grand img :

$('.grand img').each((i, el) => {



You were close: To perform what you need:

$(".grand img").each(function() {
  const src = $(this).attr("src")

This takes advantage of $(this) to access the src attribute of the referenced object

.grand img means access ALL children inside the elements with a class of grand

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