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When click name in popup open link in new tab?

I have a chrome extension that gets friend requests from Facebook in the popup. I have received all friend requests in the popup. When I click the friend request's name, I want to open his/her profile in a new tab. I have got all links to their profiles. I save them in localStorage and get them in the popup. But when I click the name, it does not open his/her profile. Can someone help me to open their profiles please?

Here is my code:


let value  = $('.bl').html();
chrome.storage.local.set({friends:  value}, function() {


let lengths = $('.bl').children();
let num = lengths.length;
chrome.storage.local.set({leng: num});

$(".bl a.bo").each(function( index ) {
    let hrefs = $( this ).attr('href');
    chrome.storage.local.set({link: hrefs});

chrome.storage.local.get(['friends','leng','link'],function(result) {


  chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(changes => {
   if (changes.friends) {


If you inspect popup's devtools console you will probably see an error about inline JavaScript code being blocked. The popup is a separate window so it has its own devtools which you can open by right-clicking inside the popup to show the context menu, then click "inspect" in the menu.

The solution is to add target=_blank attribute.
Replace $('a.bo').attr('onclick',"window.open(result.link)"); with this:

$('a.bo').attr({href: result.link, target: '_blank'});

In Chrome extension environment to programmatically open a new tab you will have to use chrome.tabs.create method.

const url = "http://www.some-web-site.com";

chrome.tabs.create({ url });

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