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Barplot in R with year on the x axis

ive created a dataframe in R shown below

 df<- data.frame("Year" = c("2011-12", "2012-13", "2013-14", 
     "2014-15","2015-16", "2016-17"),
     "Average" = c(99.03,98.67,96.43,92.74,96.96,93.61) )

The error i get is found below:

Error in barplot.default(df): 'height' must be a vector or a matrix

I cant seem to figure out the correct code for a simple Bar plot with year on the X-axis and the average on the Y.

Would appreciate a bit of help. Thanks in advance.

I am not sure how are you using it but this seems to give what you need.

barplot(Average~Year, df)


We can use a named vector with barplot

barplot(setNames(df$Average, df$Year))



Or another option is ggplot2

ggplot(df, aes(x= Year, y = Average)) +

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