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Angular 9 dynamic routes

first of all sorry for my english i dont speak very well but I will try to explain myself, I'm creating an eCommerce in Angular 9 and the routes of this eCommerce work as follows, every route that comes in the end with .html I direct to a component that I call router-redirects, when I fall into that component I call the ecommerce api passing the url in question then it returns if that url is a category, a product, an article.. with this answer I redirect to the right component.

The problem is that in certain situations like the categories page I need to leave some query strings like pageIndex and orderby in the URL but angular does not show the query strings because when I do the navigate I put skipLocationChange: true because I cannot change the url and I need to keep the queryString.

I only need this for when a user wants to share the url with someone else.

Example of how I am doing the navigate method:

this.router.navigate(['categoria-listagem'], {
      skipLocationChange: true,
      queryParams: { page: 1, order: 'novidades' }

Please if anyone knows a better way to do this redirection or know how to keep query strings even with skipLocationChange it would save me !!

Thank you in advance.

It sounds like you should add queryParamsHandling as 'merge' or 'preserve' (depending on your requirements) eg

this.router.navigate(['categoria-listagem'], {
  skipLocationChange: true,
  queryParams: { page: 1, order: 'novidades' },  
  queryParamsHandling: "merge"

This should add your new query params to any already in your URL.

Also you may need to remove skipLocationChange , again depending on the functionality you need.

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