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AWS Load Balancer & BlueHost

Currently my domain name adthrone.com is pointed to ec2 instance ip 5x.xx.xx.xx

That domain result is HTTP

So I created a load balancer with this link https://adthrone-loadbalancer-1188159040.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com/

Now, Is that even possible to change the DNS pointing of


to this


I tried to contact my DNS Provider BlueHost. But they seems do not want to change it. Because on my bluehost screen. If I manually change it. From EC2 IP to Load Balancer there is an error that the link is not applicable.

The load balancer is working fine, it has only mixed content that needed to fix. But the issue is that possible to change the DNS pointing from IP to Link?

Use a CNAME record instead. You can put adthrone-loadbalancer-1188159040.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com in the value field of the CNAME record.

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