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How to use image CDN with SwiftUI?

I want to develop a simple full screen image view in SwiftUI, the image should fit in side the screen, also I want to fetch the image from a CDN so in the request I need to provide the size of the required image.

All the example of SwiffUI I see on the net are some like this.

var body: some View {
    .frame(width: 375.0, height: 812.0)

So I have two question.

  1. How do I fetch image from URL/link
  2. How do I get the size of the image to request, as it will be different for different iOS devices

How do I fetch image from URL/link?

SwiftUI's Image component doesn't provide a native way to load image from an URL, suggest you use one of the open source libraries instead of implementing complex image loading logic, I recommend using SwiftUI version popular open source library SDWebImage, it is called SDWebImageSwiftUI

Here is an example to load an image from image URL

struct ContentView: View {
  var body: some View {
    WebImage(url:URL(string: "https://<replace with image URL/link>"))
      .placeholder {
    .frame(width: 375.0, height:812.0)

How do I get the size of the image to request, as it will be different for different iOS devices?

To get the run-time size of a view, SwiftUI provides a container view called GeometryReader . Whichever component's size you need you have to embed that component(s) inside a GeometryReader container, this container give you access to the run-time size of itself.

Here is complete code to get the run-time size of an image, make a request to image CDN and load the image into full screen view. Here I am using image from imageOpt image CDN you can use any image CDN.

struct ContentView: View {
  // Use the URL of imageSet obtained from image CDN
  let imageURL = "https://djy8xy980kp8s.cloudfront.net/2e0d6k-p25/q"

  var body: some View {
    /* Embed the WebImage component inside a GoemetryReader container
     * this will give you access to run-time size of the container */
    GeometryReader { geo in
        /* Get the final URL with width & height parameters, 
         * since you want to fit the image inside full screen 
         * set crop to false */
         imageOptClient.constructURL(imageURL: self.imageURL, 
           imageSize: CGSize(
             // goe.size will give the runtime size of the container
             width: geo.size.width, 
             height: geo.size.height), 
           crop: false))
      .placeholder {
      .indicator(.activity) // Activity Indicator
      .frame(width: geo.size.width, height: geo.size.height, 
        alignment: .center)

disclaimer: I work for imageOpt

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