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Is there a way to identify which part of a SVG TextPath was clipped

I have a SVG textPath shown below.

<text class="text" dominant-baseline="middle" style="font-size: 0.3em">
<textPath class="text-path" href="#2abd837a-0">Cats and dogs</textPath>

This textPath is correctly showing the clipped based on the length of the path referenced by #2abd837a-0.

How would I go about using javascript to find the length of the clipped and invisible text? Is this even possible?

You can calculate the text length by using the getComputedTextLength method. you can calculate the path length by using the getTotalLength method.

 let textLength = elText.getComputedTextLength(); let pathLength = abd837a.getTotalLength(); let invisibleTextLength = textLength > pathLength? textLength - pathLength: 0; console.log(textLength,pathLength,invisibleTextLength)
 <svg viewBox="120 100 100 100"> <path id="abd837a" d="M 130 110 C 120 140, 180 140, 170 110" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/> <text id="elText" class="text" dominant-baseline="middle" style="font-size: 16px"> <textPath class="text-path" href="#abd837a">Cats and dogs</textPath> </text> </svg>

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