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How to add ref to button in a HOC


I have a component that returns a button:

const Button = props => <button ref={?} style={{ color: props.color }}>bt</button>;

I am trying to understand HOCs and refForwarding. This is a HOC a Component:

const colorer = Button => {
  const ButtontWithRef = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    return <Button {...props} ref={ref} />;
  class Colored extends React.Component {
    render() {
      return <ButtonWithRef color="red" ref={this.props.passedRef} />;
  return Colored;

The colored button that is used in components:

const Colored = colorer(Button);

I am trying to access the button inside Button component using ref . But I don't know how to forward ref when the Button is passed through a HOC( colorer ). When I console.log the ref I get

Object {current: null}


export default function App() {
  const myRef = React.createRef();
  return (<Colored passedRef={myRef} />);

How do I set the ref to the actual button inside Button ?

The button component can make use of forwardRef and pass on the ref to the actual button component

const Button = React.forwardRef(
      (props, ref) => <button ref={ref} style={{ color: props.color }}>bt</button>

The rest of the code will remain the same except inside App component you would make use of useRef instead of React.createRef since App is a functional component

const colorer = Button => {
  const ButtontWithRef = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    return <Button {...props} ref={ref} />;
  class Colored extends React.Component {
    render() {
      return <ButtonWithRef color="red" ref={this.props.passedRef} />;
  return Colored;

export default function App() {
  const myRef = useRef(null);
  return (<Colored passedRef={myRef} />);

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