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createSwitchNavigator with React Navigation v5?

I my old version I make something like this: going to splash screen, if user is connected go to App, else go to login.

And I can navigate into screen by using this.props.navigation.navigate("Register")


        firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(user => {
            this.props.navigation.navigate(user ? "App" : "Login")

in App.js

const Container = createAppContainer(
            Splash: SplashScreen,
            Login: LoginScreen,
            Register: RegisterScreen,
            App: AppContainer,
            initialRouteName: "Splash",

//Other code

        return (<Container/>)

Now I try to use react Navigation v5 but everything seem to be more complicated.

My App.js look like this:

export default function App() {
    const [isDarkTheme, setIsDarkTheme] = React.useState(false);

    const theme = isDarkTheme ? CombinedDarkTheme : CombinedDefaultTheme; // Use Light/Dark theme based on a state

    function toggleTheme() {
        // We will pass this function to Drawer and invoke it on theme switch press
        setIsDarkTheme(isDark => !isDark);

    return (
        <PaperProvider theme={theme}>
            <NavigationContainer theme={theme}>
                    drawerContent={props => <DrawerContent {...props} toggleTheme={toggleTheme}/>}

How I'm suppose to do something like this but with PaperProvider ?

You could simply do your API Call and depending on the result, display or not the routes. Something like:

import { useEffect } from 'react';

export default function App() {
  const [isDarkTheme, setIsDarkTheme] = React.useState(false);
  const [isAuthed, setIsAuthed] = React.useState(false);

  useEffect(async () => setIsAuthed(await getIsAuthed()));

  const theme = isDarkTheme ? CombinedDarkTheme : CombinedDefaultTheme; // Use Light/Dark theme based on a state

  function toggleTheme() {
    // We will pass this function to Drawer and invoke it on theme switch press
    setIsDarkTheme((isDark) => !isDark);

  const defineRoutes = () => {
    if (!isAuthed) {
      return <Drawer.Screen name='Login' component={Login} /> // Don't know your login comp name, but you got the idea

    // Don'tknow if Fragment exists on react native and is usable here, just try
    return (
        <Drawer.Screen name='HomeDrawer' component={MainTabScreen} />
        <Drawer.Screen name='SettingsScreen' component={SettingsStackScreen} />

  return (
    <PaperProvider theme={theme}>
      <NavigationContainer theme={theme}>
          drawerContent={(props) => (
            <DrawerContent {...props} toggleTheme={toggleTheme} />

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