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SwiftUI navigationBarHidden doesn't work and throws error

I am pushing next view with navigation link

        NavigationLink(destination: DetailsView()
                       isActive: $isDetailsActive) {

I tried the same inside details view too. All I am getting is empty Navigation Bar on Details View and error in terminal:

"changing items while animating can result in a corrupted navigation bar"

The error indicates that you should not push or pop new views on the navigation controller until it's finished with the last push or pop.

I hide my navigation bar using .onAppear and .onDisappear , you can place those modifiers in your parent view or in DetailsView(), look:

NavigationView {
    VStack {
        Text("Hello World")
    .onAppear {
        self.isNavBarHidden = true
    }.onDisappear {
        self.isNavBarHidden = false


 NavigationView {

    some code {..}



It seems that the navigationBarTitle seems to be set at ("") , for the .navigationBarHidden(true) to work within a NavigationView (Xcode Version 13)

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