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ssh-agent not working on jenkins pipeline

I am newbie and trying to implement CI/CD for my hello world reactive spring project. After releasing the image to docker repo, the next step is to connect to aws ec2 and run the created image. I have already installed ssh agen plugin and tested positive in the ssh connection configured in Mangejenkins->configuration system->ssh client.

Also My system env variabes has path=C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh-agent.exe

In the last step I am getting:

Could not find ssh-agent: IOException: Cannot run program "ssh-agent": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
Check if ssh-agent is installed and in PATH
[ssh-agent] FATAL: Could not find a suitable ssh-agent provider

My Pipelien code:

pipeline {
agent any
tools {
    maven 'maven'
    jdk 'jdk1.8'
environment {
    registry ="my-registry"
stages {
    stage('SCM') {
                steps {
                         git branch: 'master',
                             credentialsId:  'JenkinsGitlab',
    stage('Build') {
        steps {
            bat 'mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage'
    stage('Dockerize') {
        steps {
            bat "docker build -t ${registry}:${BUILD_NUMBER} ."

    stage('Docker Login') {
            bat "docker login -u ${registryCredential_USR} -p ${registryCredential_PSW}"
    stage('Release to Docker hub') {
            bat "docker push ${registry}:${BUILD_NUMBER}"                
    stage('Deploy to AWS') {
        steps {
            sshagent(['panda-ec2']) {
                    bat  "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@my-aws-host sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 ${registry}:${BUILD_NUMBER}"


The build-in SSH-agent of Windows is incompatible with Jenkins SSH-Agent plugin.

I'm using the SSH-agent from the Git installation. Make sure to insert the directory(.) path of Git ssh-agent,exe before any other path. to prevent the use of Windows SSH-agent.

With a default Git for Windows installation, you can set the PATH environment variable like this:

path=c:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin;%path%

For me it didn't work to set the env var from within Jenkins UI. I added it through the settings app. When doing so, make sure to insert it before "%SystemRoot%\system32\OpenSSH".

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