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Rebase local branch after pull from remote

I have a situation as the following where I have 2 local branches - one follows the other which follows the remote branch: A(origin/master)---B---C(topic)---D---E---F(master)

The topic branch follows origin/master branch. Master branch follows topic branch.

After some time the origin/master grows and we get the following:


So today, in order to rebase I'm doing the following:

(topic): git pull --rebase
(topic): git checkout master
(master): git pull --rebase
(master): git checkout topic

I have this issue with several local branches (several topics ) and I wonder if there is some command that does all this rebasing for me without the need to checkout between branches. Does Such functionality exists?


git fetch

first, to update all your origin/* names after getting all new commits. Then use:

git rebase origin/master

to rebase your own personal, un-pushed topic branch to the updated origin/master .

(If you're annoyed that your own master gets behind, consider simply deleting your master branch. You can use the name origin/master to find their latest master any time you need to, and now that you do not have a master of your own, you won't feel the urge to update it.)

Important notes

If you have created a topic over on origin already, so that origin/topic exists, that this won't update your own origin/topic —well, unless someone else has done something on the Git over at origin . Then it will update your origin/topic , and then you'd best figure out what that someone-else did.

After running git rebase origin/master while on your own topic , you can use git push --force or git push --force-with-lease to send the rebased commits and update topic on the Git over at origin. If someone else is using the topic there, perhaps via some third Git's origin/topic , you may mess with them, just as they might have messed with you above.

Hence, if you have pushed origin/topic , make sure that everyone else agrees that it's OK for your to rebase your own topic and to git push --force (preferably -with-lease ).

(One common workflow is to use a third-party server like GitHub to store copies in case private Git repositories are on computers that crash or otherwise lose data. In this case, you may wish to push in-progress work: if everyone gets their own branch names here, and nobody uses anyone else's branches, this "get permission to update a shared branch" problem goes away, because these branches aren't shared, even though everyone can see everyone else's.)

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