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kubelet and apriserver stopped with minikube

I am completely new in Kube.netes.I was trying to play with minikube in my local machine. I have installed kubectl and minikube locally. When I run

minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox # and then 
minikube status

my output is

E0512 23:33:45.964815   23423 status.go:233] kubeconfig endpoint: extract IP: "minikube" 
does not appear in  /.kube/config
host: Running
kubelet: Stopped
apiserver: Stopped
kubeconfig: Misconfigured
WARNING: Your kubectl is pointing to stale minikube-vm. 
To fix the kubectl context, run `minikube update-context`

When I ran minikube update-context the output is

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x18 pc=0x148ecb0]
..... and more 

Can anybody help? Thanks in advance

try these commands in this order:

  1. minikube stop
  2. minikube delete
  3. minikube start

This worked from me

I closed my laptop where i had minikube running in virtual box.

When i restarted my laptop and ran the minikube vm in virtual box interface, the kubelet and apiserver was showing stopped.

Then I had to stop and start the minkube from cli and post this the two services started showing up.


PS C:\Users\mazumdar> minikube status
type: Control Plane
host: Running
kubelet: Stopped
apiserver: Stopped
kubeconfig: Configured
timeToStop: Nonexistent


PS C:\Users\mazumdar> minikube stop
* Stopping node "minikube"  ...
* 1 nodes stopped.
PS C:\Users\mazumdar>
PS C:\Users\mazumdar>
PS C:\Users\mazumdar> minikube start
* minikube v1.18.1 on Microsoft Windows 10 
* Using the virtualbox driver based on existing profile
* Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
* Restarting existing virtualbox VM for "minikube" ...
* Preparing Kubernetes v1.20.2 on Docker 20.10.3 ...
* Verifying Kubernetes components...
  - Using image gcr.io/k8s-minikube/storage-provisioner:v4
* Enabled addons: storage-provisioner, default-storageclass
* Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default
PS C:\Users\mazumdar>
PS C:\Users\mazumdar>
PS C:\Users\mazumdar> minikube status
type: Control Plane
host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubeconfig: Configured
timeToStop: Nonexistent

this happens when kubeconfig is misconfigureed. so you'll need to export kubeconfig path and then do a minikube start

export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config

echo 'export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config' >> $HOME/.bashrc

minikube start

minikube status

I'm using ubuntu 21.10 (kernel - 5.13.0-37-generic)

I have used minikube stop minikube start

it restarted my existing minikube host

if we include minikube delete it will stop and delete the existing minikube host and will create a new one when "minikube start " is executed.

 praba@prabasden:**~$ minikube stop** ✋ Stopping node "minikube"...strong text 1 node stopped. praba@prabasden:**~$ minikube start** minikube v1.25.2 on Ubuntu 21.10 ✨ Using the kvm2 driver based on existing profile Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube Restarting existing kvm2 VM for "minikube"... Preparing Kube.netes v1.23.3 on Docker 20.10.12... ▪ kubelet.housekeeping-interval=5m Verifying Kube.netes components... ▪ Using image gcr.io/k8s-minikube/storage-provisioner:v5 Enabled addons: storage-provisioner, default-storageclass Done: kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default praba@prabasden:**~$ minikube status** minikube type: Control Plane host: Running kubelet: Running apiserver: Running kubeconfig: Configured

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