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Change Event Only fires once in a checkbox input

I have a checkbox component where I am emitting an event to the parent component. In the parent component I want to do something based on whether the checkbox is checked or not but it's only firing once

Checkbox component:

     @change="$emit('input', !ischecked)"

    props: {
         type: Boolean,
         default: false
    computed: {
          // Some checks with the checked prop, will return true or false

Parent Component

     v-for="index in arrayOfData"

   methods: {

The alert only shows in the very first change of the state of the checkbox, how can I make it react to all of the checks/unchecks?

I tried to use v-model on the parent component but v-model ignores the first value (index.checked) and only relies on the component data and I can't put my data property equal to index.checked because it's only available inside the v-for

You can use v-model on the checkbox-component but you will need to pass value as props to the child component to make it reactive and then you can bind checked property on the checkbox-component to that pass prop value and simply emit the current element checked status using $event.target.checked like:

 Vue.component('checkbox-component', { template: `<input type="checkbox":checked="value" @change="$emit(\'input\', $event.target.checked)" />`, props: ['value'] }) new Vue({ el: "#myApp", data: { arrayOfData: [{ id: 1, checked: true }, { id: 1, checked: false }] }, methods: { test() { console.log('change') } } })
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.min.js"></script> <link href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <div id="myApp"> <div v-for="index in arrayOfData"> <checkbox-component v-model="index.checked" @input="test"></checkbox-component> <label> {{ index.checked }}</label> </div> </div>

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