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Python-Docx Exporting Table to a Word Table

i am trying to export a table with dynamic rows (quantity depends on user) to a Microsoft Word table using python-docx This is my code for the docx:

            doc.add_heading("Findings Summary", level=1)
            table_findings = doc.add_table(rows=0, cols=3)
            hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells
            hdr_cells[0].text = 'ID'
            hdr_cells[1].text = 'Description'
            hdr_cells[2].text = 'Risk'
            test_id1 = self.InformationOverviewTestIDLineEdit.text()
            for  row_index, row_data in enumerate(c.execute('SELECT Summary_Findings_Name, Summary_Findings_Desc, Summary_Findings_Risk FROM Findings_Summaries WHERE Test_ID=?', [test_id1])):
                row_cells = table_findings.add_row().cells
                row_cells[0].text = (row_data)
                row_cells[1].text = (row_data)
                row_cells[2].text = (row_data)


This is just the part of the code I need working, I have the rest working flawlessly. That was my first attempt and I thought that it'd be easier doing that way. Essentially, I want to loop the database looking for the Test_ID and extracting all the rows from that Database that contains the Test_ID searched. This Test_ID will be displayed in Line Edit on my PyQT5 code. Its the loop part I am struggling with. If i were to run that code as it is, it returns this error:

tuple index out of range

 line 1080, in Extracting_Report
    hdr_cells1[2].text = 'Risk'
IndexError: tuple index out of range

EDIT: I have managed to find the issue and this is the new code:

            doc.add_heading("Findings Summary", level=1)
        table_findings = doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=3)
        hdr_cells1 = table_findings.rows[0].cells
        hdr_cells1[0].text = 'ID'
        hdr_cells1[1].text = 'Description'
        hdr_cells1[2].text = 'Risk'
        test_id1 = self.InformationOverviewTestIDLineEdit.text()
        for  row_index, row_data in enumerate(c.execute('SELECT Summary_Findings_Name, Summary_Findings_Desc, Summary_Findings_Risk FROM Findings_Summaries WHERE Test_ID=?', [test_id1])):

            row_cells = table_findings.add_row().cells
            row_cells[0].text = (row_data)
            row_cells[1].text = (row_data)
            row_cells[2].text = (row_data)

However, now it prints the row_data but doesnt create the document and it should considering if i remove this block of code it creates a docx document fine

A table with zero rows has no cells. Try:

table_findings = doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=3)


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