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Laravel artisan tinker from Amazon Linux 2 (Elastic Beanstalk)

I used to execute tinker on previous Amazon AMI by using this command:

sudo -E -u webapp php artisan tinker

Now I am using PHP 7.4 on Amazon Linux 2 and when I execute the above command, I get this error:

Unable to create PsySH runtime directory. Make sure PHP is able to write to /run/user/1000 in order to continue.

So, In order to test, I gave the full permission to this folder and then executed my command again:

sudo chmod 777 /run/user/1000
sudo -E -u webapp php artisan tinker

Actually, no error, but the environnement variables such as RDS_PASSWORD or RDS_DB_NAME are not loaded, making it impossible to perform database actions:

Psy Shell v0.10.4 (PHP 7.4.4 — cli) by Justin Hileman
>>> env('RDS_DB_NAME')
 => null
>>> User::first()
 Illuminate/Database/QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused 
 (SQL: select * from `users` limit 1)'

I also tried to echo the variable from a shell, I got the same result:

sudo su webapp
sh-4.2$ echo $RDS_DB_NAME
  # Empty here

It's not on the documentation but the environment variables are in /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/env

So you can do something like this:

export $(sudo cat /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/env) && sudo -E -u webapp php artisan tinker

Also, to deal with the PsySH problem, just create a .psysh.php file in your source code directory with that content:


return [
    'runtimeDir'    => './.psysh',

Psysh will then use that directory without any permission problem because webapp owns it.

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