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How to get a state from a different component in React

I need to disable a button in reactjs depending on a value taken from a different component.

In below component ( main.js ), I need to disable the Button. But This has to be disabled depending on a value taken from a value another component ( upload.js )

export default function HorizontalLabelPositionBelowStepper() {
  return (
    <Grid container>      
      <Grid item lg="12" md="12" xs="12">
          <div className={classes.root}>                   
                  <Grid container justify="center">                                      
                    <Grid item md="1">
                      <Button // button I need to disable
                        endIcon={<NavigateNext />}
                        {activeStep === steps.length - 1 ? "Finish" : "Next"} 

And this is the upload.js

// imports...

export default function ElevateAppBar(props) {
  const [file, setFile] = useState('');
  const [filename, setFileName] = useState('eg: employees.csv'); // this filename value should be passed to the component `main.js`

  return (
    <Grid container justify="flex-start">
      <Grid container item lg="12" md="12">        
        <Grid item lg="4" md="4" xs="4">
            <Form.File id="custom-file" label={filename} custom />
      <Grid container justify="center">
        <Button variant="contained" style={{backgroundColor: "lightgreen"}} endIcon={<CloudUpload />}>

In the upload.js I have a variable with the name filename . I need to pass this value to the first component - that is main.js

so the logic could be like something (this is not reactjs syntaxes, this is just to give the idea on what I need to do):

if(filename_taken_from_upload_js == "eg: employees.csv"){
  // disable the button
  // enable the button

Can someone help, Please?

This could be a case for lifting state up:https://reactjs.org/docs/lifting-state-up.html#lifting-state-up

If this value could be used by other unrelated components, you should consider putting it in a global state, using Redux or Context API.

https://redux.js.org/faq/react-redux#react-redux https://reactjs.org/docs/context.html#when-to-use-context

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