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Get Image inside of title (HTML)

I need a image to be displayed with the title, and I found many stackoverflow questions on how this is done. What is currently the best way to get a favicon to display in all browsers that support Favicons? and Add image in title bar . I did what both of these said (add a.ico file and a.png file), and came up with this (inside the head of the html):

     <link rel="icon" href="/client/imgs/favicon.png" type="image/png" /
     <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/client/favicon.ico" />

I have both of those files, but the image won't show up in localhost or after I deploy it to heroku ( https://labyrinth-sweeper.herokuapp.com/ ). What part did I miss / mess up?

The favicon is visible to me. Maybe there is an old icon in your browser cache? Try something like <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/client/favicon.ico?v=2" /> to force your browser to refresh the icon.

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