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I want to pass data from a parent component (state) to a child component

Hi i am new to React and want to pass data from a parent component to a child component. I want to display finalItems in my child component Items. However, it can not find `finalItems``` in the child component. I think it may be that I need to use props? Is this correct?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

This is the code for the parent component

import React from 'react';
import ScrollMenu from 'react-horizontal-scrolling-menu';
import './horizontalscroll.css';
import Items from './items';

// list of items

// One item component
// selected prop will be passed
const MenuItem = ({ text, selected }) => {
  return (

// All items component
// Important! add unique key
export const Menu = (list) => list.map(el => {
  const { name } = el;

  return (


const Arrow = ({ text, className }) => {
  return (

const ArrowLeft = Arrow({ text: '<', className: 'arrow-prev' });
const ArrowRight = Arrow({ text: '>', className: 'arrow-next' });

class HorizantScroller extends React.Component {

  state = {
    selected: 'Brands',
    statelist: [
  {name: "Brands",
    items: ["1", "2", "3"]
  {name: "Films",
    items: ["f1", "f2", "f3"]
  {name: "Holiday Destination",
    items: ["f1", "f2", "f3"]


  onSelect = key => {
    this.setState({ selected: key });

    const myList = this.state.statelist;
    const myItemDetails = myList.filter(items=>items.name === key);
    const finalItems = myItemDetails.map(items => items);


  render() {
    const { selected } = this.state;
    // Create menu from items
    const menu = Menu(this.state.statelist, selected);
    const {statelist} = this.state;

    return (
      <div className="HorizantScroller">

      <Items onSelect={this.onSelect}/>



export default HorizantScroller;

This is the code for the child component

import React, { Component } from "react";

class Items extends React.Component{

render() {
  return (
      <div >


export default Items;

Correct. Pass it to the component as a prop like this:

<Items finalItems={finalItems} onSelect={this.onSelect}/>

Then use it in the child through props like this:


Also : I don't see finalItems declared outside of the onSelect method This may be an mistake. Otherwise this will break for a different reason of finalItems not being defined. You should probably move the last three lines of the onSelect function into the body of render .

Yes you are right, you will need to use props in this example. You would use it like so..

<Items finalitems={this.state.finalItems} onSelect={this.onSelect}></Items> 

that is if your variable finalItems is held in state, otherwise just put the variable in between the brackets.

Then in Items you can get these items like this.

render() {
  return (
      <div >


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