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How do I add an attribute to a dynamically created element in Angular2+?

I have had a look at this but it does not work -- maybe because the elements I am targeting are dynamically generated inside a custom component ( <c-tabs> ).

I have also had a look at this but this wouldn't work, I think, as i am not able to touch the custom component's code.

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<c-tabs #mainComponentTabs1 [items]="tabItems"></c-tabs>

I have tried the following ways to target it. None works.

Method 1. Using plain old Javascript:

ngAfterViewInit() {
    let att = document.createAttribute("id");
    att.value = "yada1";
    document.querySelectorAll(".c-tabs .hydrated")[0].setAttributeNode(att);

I have tried to have the above in the ngOnInit and ngOnViewInit methods but that didn't help. This method, oddly enough, works in the Chrome console window after the page has rendered. That is, the querySelected items get id attribute.

Method2. Using Angular's Renderer2 . (Admittedly, I don't know how to get to the particular native elements that need the id's.

//first, declare target custom component element with viewchild:
export class MainComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewChecked, AfterViewInit {
    @ViewChild('mainComponentTabs1', { static: true }) c_tabs1: ElementRef;
    ngAfterViewChecked() {
        //neither of these approaches works.
        const c_tabs1El = this.c_tabs1.nativeElement;    
        this.renderer.setAttribute(c_tabs1El.items[0], 'id', 'dashboard-tab-link-search');

        const c_tabs1El2 = document.querySelectorAll("button.c-item");
        this.renderer.setAttribute(c_tabs1El2[0].nativeElement, 'id', 'dashboard-tab-link-dashboard');

I'm not sure what elements are you trying to target, if you're trying to target the elements by class or tag but I think the following code will help you:

export class MainComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewChecked, AfterViewInit {
    // the static property must be true only if you are using it in ngOnInit
    @ViewChild('mainComponentTabs1', { static: false }) c_tabs1: ElementRef;
    ngAfterViewInit() {
        const targetElements = this.c_tabs1.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('button.c-item')

        targetELements.forEach((el, index) => this.renderer.setAttribute(el, 'id', `dashboard-tab-link-search-${index}`));

Don't touch the DOM directly.

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