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Angular 9 : How to change navbar from child component?

I want to be able to change the navbar depending on the component. My goal is to change background IMG and background height.

To do this I create a service with behaviorSubject that looks like:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class DimensionService {

  private dimension = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);
  broadCast = this.dimension.asObservable();

  constructor() { }

  updateDimension(dimension: any) {

Since navbar is in app.component, I set default value in oninit like this:

dimension: any = { height: 400, img: '/assets/img/default.img' }

        ngOnInit(): void {

                .subscribe(dim =>{this.dimension = dim});

in child component I update main component like this:

dimension: any = { height: 400, img: '/assets/img/default.img' }

            ngOnInit(): void {

                    updateDimension({height: 300, img: '/assets/img/child.png'});

I want every component to have is own navbar height and background img.

In app.component.html I have this:

 <div [style.height.px]="dimension.height" [ngStyle]="{backgroundImage:'url(' + dimension.img + ')'}" style="z-index: 100; width: 100%; background-size: cover; position: relative;">... .... </div>

I implementation don't seem to be correct. I am having this error:


Can anyone help to handle this kind of situation?

The problem is you are changing the value of the BehaviourSubject 3 times at the same time. When your application renders, angular checks & preserves your value in its storage container to prevent variable leak (global access). So, when you created the BehaviourSubject it emitted on value which is null . While the angular is preserving this value, instantaneously, another value got emitted. That's why the error. The sol. is to remove the default configuration from the navbar & use the them as default value in the BehaviourSubject .

For a fix in your case:


private dimension = new BehaviorSubject<any>({
  height: 400,
  img: '/assets/img/default.img'


ngOnInit() {
  this.dimesionService.subscribe(dim => {
    this.dimension = dim


ngOnInit() {
    height: 300,
    img: '/assets/img/child.png'

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