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Calling AWS AppSync graphql API from Lambda

I am trying to update the value of a table using the AWS-app sync graphql API, I am able to create data and add it in a table using graphql mutation in lambda but when I am trying to update the data its not working. I am calling this lambda service from an API Gateway.

I am referring this article to code https://cloudonaut.io/calling-appsync-graphql-from-lambda/

I would like to mentioned git no error in cloud watch log

Here is the schema for my graphql

type Mutation {
createLib_content(input: CreateLib_contentInput!): lib_content
updateLib_content(input: UpdateLib_contentInput!): lib_content
deleteLib_content(input: DeleteLib_contentInput!): lib_content

input CreateLib_contentInput {
content: String
userId: String

input UpdateLib_contentInput {
content: String
id: ID!

Create Mutation

      graphqlData = await clientDetails.mutate({
    mutation: gql(`
   mutation CreateLibContent($input: CreateLib_contentInput!) {
              createLib_content(input: $input) {
    variables: {
      input: {
          content : {},
          userId : identitiesDetails.userId

Update Mutation

const mutation = gql(`
   mutation UpdateLibContent($input: UpdateLib_contentInput!) {
updateLib_content(input: $input) {
  await clientDetails.mutate({
       variables: {
             input: {
                     id : "2947c37e-6f76-40d8-8c10-4cd6190d3597",
                     content : JSON.stringify(event)

Thanks to @cppgnlearner your guess were right.

I just removed the.promise from my update code And it started working.

can't believe such a small thing took my whole day.

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