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Data from an API on a V-TAB vuetify, with axios get vue js

I'm trying to popularize a V-TAB, where each tab will have its specific data according to this image: 图片 图 2 I want to throw the data in the TAB PROFILE with the attributes: firstName, lastName, email, phone, etc. .. and in the TAB SERVICES the data of the array services, these two extracted from this JSON object:

        "id": 1,
        "firstName": "Ana",
        "lastName": "Lucia",
        "phone": "(11)99989-8989",
        "mobilePhone": "(11)99989-8989",
        "email": "aninha@gmail.com",
        "gender": {
            "name": "feminino"
        "status": {
            "name": "inativo"
        "services": [
                "name": "progressiva"
                "name": "Manicure"

I'm in doubt on how to do this procedure using the v-tab component as follows in this code taken from vuetify:

  <v-container grid-list-xl fluid >
    <v-layout row wrap>
      <v-flex sm12>
          <v-col sm="10">
                background-color="pink lighten-1"
                  v-for="item in items"
                  {{ item.tab }}

              <v-tabs-items v-model="tab">
                  v-for="item in items"
                  <v-row justify="center">
                    <v-col sm="6">
                      <v-card flat>
                        <v-card-text class="body-1">{{ item.content }}</v-card-text>


import axios from 'axios'
  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        tab: null,
        employee: [],
        items: [
          { tab: 'Comissões', content: 'Aqui vai os dados de COMISSÕES' },
          { tab: 'Desempenho', content: 'Aqui vai os dados de DESEMPENHO' },
          { tab: 'Serviços', content: 'Aqui vai os dados de SERVIÇOS' },
          { tab: 'Agendamentos', content: 'Aqui vai os dados de AGENDAMENTO' },
          { tab: 'Histórico', content: 'Aqui vai os dados de HISTÓRICO' },
          { tab: 'Perfil', content: 'Aqui vai os dados de PERFIL' },


    created () {

    methods: {
      initialize () {
            .then(response => {

I am confused on how to put the contents in the certain tabs, because for example, if I put the following content in this excerpt:

{ tab: 'Perfil', content: 'employee' },

It will render exactly the word "employee" and I want to render what is contained in OBJECT 'employee', and following this idea, fill in the other TABS. I already tried to modify the html excerpt:

<v-card-text class="body-1">{{ employee }}</v-card-text>

As a result, the FULL OBJECT 'employee' is rendered without any formatting, and in all tabs as shown in the image: 图 3 can anybody help me?

    import axios from 'axios'
      export default {
        data () {
          return {
            tab: null,
            employee: [],
            services: [],
            items: [
              { tab: 'Comissões', content: 'Aqui vai os dados de COMISSÕES' },
              { tab: 'Desempenho', content: 'Aqui vai os dados de DESEMPENHO' },
              { tab: 'Serviços', content: services },
              { tab: 'Agendamentos', content: 'Aqui vai os dados de AGENDAMENTO' },
              { tab: 'Histórico', content: 'Aqui vai os dados de HISTÓRICO' },
              { tab: 'Perfil', content: employee },


        created () {

        methods: {
          initialize () {
                .then(response => {
                  this.employee = response.data
                  this.services = this.employee.services
                  delete this.employee.services

Don't forget to fetch data as object not array (if you are using mongoose use findOne or findById)

From what I understand is that you want to show different content in each V-TAB and you want to show the JSON data for the V-TAB check the Vuetify documentation and regarding JSON this can help you


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