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AngularJS Use Same Component In same Page

I use angularjs first time. I'm tring to use same search component twice in page. but in the second component modal.show is not working!

Here is my code.

my button click code. Where i click a modal will show.

$scope.openTalepIsEmriList = function (talepUN) {
                a.talepisemrilistesi = [];
                    method: 'POST',
                    url: '/api/CrmTalepHareket/TalepIsEmriListesi?talepUN=' + talepUN,
                    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

and in the page i call the component


 <talep-ara-tum container-id="abonearama"  kullanici-id="modelTalep.Kullanici.ID" abonemodel="Aboneler" aramadanmi="true" talepler="aratalepmodel" kullaniciisletme="kullaniciisletme"></talep-ara-tum>


<div class="row">
<talep-ara-tum kullanici-id="modelTalep.Kullanici.ID" abonemodel="Aboneler" 
aramadanmi="false" talepmodel="AboneSahisTalepleri" kullaniciisletme="kullaniciisletme"></talep-ara-tum></div>

I think this happens because of the two components sharing the same ID, you could change one of them to the same but add a 2 or change it to hardcoded ID's first and see if that works. I can't really read what it says, I can't read Turkish(?). Didn't know you could change the language of AngularJS.

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