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How get the original size images (height and width) from your href and put them on your attr. using jquery

hello friends i am trying to get the size (height and width) of an image from an hrf and put these values in its attribute

This is driving me crazy

this is my html:

    <a href="image-large-1.jpg">
        <img src="image-small-1.jpg"/>

    <a href="image-large-2.jpg">
        <img src="image-small-2.jpg"/>

    <a href="image-large-3.jpg">
        <img src="image-small-3.jpg"/>

this is what I want:

    <a href="image-large-1.jpg" original-size="1000x800">   //the sizes  are example
        <img src="image-small-1.jpg"/>

    <a href="image-large-2.jpg" original-size="1200x700">   //the sizes  are example
        <img src="image-small-2.jpg"/>

    <a href="image-large-3.jpg" original-size="900x980">  //the sizes  are example
        <img src="image-small-3.jpg"/>

the "original-size" attribute I want to get it from " a hrf "

I was trying with this code that I found here, I get the original size of the image-large from the href (in the console.log) but I cannot print them in the html

help me please

         $(".containerGallery figure a").each(function() {
                var imgSrc, imgW, imgH;
                function myFunction(image){
                    var img = new Image();
                    img.src = image;
                    img.onload = function() {   
                        return {
                    return img;
                var x = myFunction($(this).attr('href'));
                    imgSrc = x.src;
                    imgW = x.width;
                    imgH = x.height;
                $(this).each(function() {
                        $(this).attr('original-size', imgW+'x'+imgH);

Here is script that does absolutely what you're looking for!

 const getOriginalSize = (target, url) => { const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = url; image.onload = function(){ target.setAttribute("original-size", `${image.naturalWidth}x${image.naturalHeight}`); } return image; }
 <figure> <a href="https://images.sftcdn.net/images/t_app-cover-l,f_auto/p/befbcde0-9b36-11e6-95b9-00163ed833e7/260663710/the-test-fun-for-friends-screenshot.jpg"> <img src="https://images.sftcdn.net/images/t_app-cover-l,f_auto/p/befbcde0-9b36-11e6-95b9-00163ed833e7/260663710/the-test-fun-for-friends-screenshot.jpg"/> </a> </figure> <figure> <a href="https://www.velior.ru/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/Test-Computer-Key-by-Stuart-Miles.jpg"> <img src="https://www.velior.ru/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/Test-Computer-Key-by-Stuart-Miles.jpg"/> </a> </figure> <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { document.querySelectorAll("figure").forEach( (figure) => { figure.querySelectorAll("a[href]").forEach( function(targetAhref) { getOriginalSize(targetAhref, targetAhref.href); console.warn("image loaded and size registred;"); } ); } ); } ); </script>

The JavaScript code in the question is overly complex and redundant.

Here's some simplified code that accomplishes the same thing.

 // get all <a> elements inside <figure> elements const atags = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('figure a')); // iterate over every <a> tag atags.forEach(atag => { // create blank image element var img = new Image(); // when the image loads, store its dimensions to the atag's // `data-original-size` attribute img.addEventListener('load', () => { let imgW = img.width, imgH = img.height; atag.dataset.originalSize = `${imgW}x${imgH}`; console.log('atag:', atag); }); // load image from atag's href img.src = atag.href; });
 <figure> <a href="https://i.picsum.photos/id/1077/200/300.jpg"> <img src="https://via.placeholder.com/40" /> </a> </figure> <figure> <a href="https://i.picsum.photos/id/913/200/200.jpg"> <img src="https://via.placeholder.com/50" /> </a> </figure> <figure> <a href="https://i.picsum.photos/id/1058/100/100.jpg"> <img src="https://via.placeholder.com/60" /> </a> </figure>

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