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python pandas.read_csv library print everything in one column

I have this python script:

dati = pd.read_csv(percorso_file,sep='\ s +', 
                   engine='python', header=0, usecols=[0])

the output is as follows:

220  T;2;Africa;24;Africa centro meridionale;983;Sa...
221  T;5;Oceania;50;Oceania;988;Terre australi e an...
222  T;4;America;42;America centro meridionale;992;...
223  T;4;America;42;America centro meridionale;994;...
224  T;5;Oceania;50;Oceania;997;Wallis e Futuna;Wal...

[225 rows x 1 columns]

It prints me all in one column, when in reality there are 20 of them, how do I get everything printed in multiple columns?

After importing pandas, as an alternative to using the context manager, set such options for displaying entire dataframes:

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)

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