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Node js Empty object when executing a function from a required file

so i have this news api js file i can run and execute the api and see a full result when consoling

 const NewsAPI = require('newsapi'); const newsapi = new NewsAPI('2a59HIDDEN1bd60'); newsapi.v2.sources({ category: 'technology', language: 'en', country: 'us' }).then( response => { console.log(response) return response });

but when i require the above code in another file its coming as empty object

 const passport = require("passport"); const newsapiapi = require("../services/newsApi"); module.exports = (app) => { app.get( "/auth/google", passport.authenticate("google", { scope: ["profile", "email"], }) ); app.get("/auth/google/callback", passport.authenticate("google")); app.get('/api/current_user',(req,res)=>{ res.send(req.user); }) app.get('/api/newsapi',(req,res)=>{ var resp = newsapiapi console.log("-----------",resp) res.send("hello") }) };

In other words the object is empty when executing under app.get('/api/newsapi') but i get the data with no issue on the first code where the api lies

Because you are not exporting anything from the above file. add module.exports.

module.exports = newsapi.v2.sources({
        category: 'technology',
        language: 'en',
        country: 'us'
      }).then( response => {
        return response

This is because you haven't exported anything from the api file. Try this

module.exports = newsapi.v2.sources({
    category: 'technology',
    language: 'en',
    country: 'us'
  }).then( response => {
    return response

This would export the function promise and then you can consume it by resolving it in the main file. Like

app.get('/api/newsapi', async (req,res)=>{
    var resp = await newsapiapi()



Or if you don't want to use async-await, you can use promise chaining like

    var resp =  newsapiapi().then(resp => {


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