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Setting useState within another useState

I am attempting to set the time (mm:ss) by taking separate inputs for mins and secs with one use of useState and combining them with another for keeping track of the overall form data, however I cannot seem to get the combined string to push into the form data...

I think I may be setting the data incorrectly somehow...

const Modal = ({show, handleClose, handleAdd, children}) => {
    const today = new Date().toISOString().substr(0, 10);
    let initialFormState = {
        date: today,
        distance: '5.23',
        time: ''
    let initialTimeState = {
        mins: 0,
        secs: 0

    const [formData, setFormData] = useState(initialFormState);
    const [timeData, setTimeData] = useState(initialTimeState);

    const submitData = event => {

        // Add correctly formatted time to main formData
        const {mins, secs} = timeData;
        const time = `${mins}:${secs}`;
        setFormData({...formData, 'time': time});

        console.log(formData); // Here I can see that the 'time' field is empty...


    return (

export default Modal;

setFormData changes are happening asynchronously, unfortunately you won't see the modification immediately. Instead you can use useEffect hook to catch changes of your state.

Try as the following instead:

useEffect(() => {
}, [formData]);

Read further about useEffect hook at Using the Effect Hook link.

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