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Google SignIn integration in ionic app for iOS using capacitor

We are trying to implement GoogleSignIn in an ionic iOS app which uses capacitor.
When tapping on the google button, an exception occurs

** Assertion failure in +[OIDScopeUtilities scopesWithArray:],
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Found illegal empty scope string.'

The capacitor.config.json contains the GoogleAuth Plugin as below and the scopes are also added.

"plugins": {
    "SplashScreen": {
      "launchShowDuration": 0
    "GoogleAuth": {
        "scopes": [
        "webClientId": "web client Id"

Removing the 'scopes' property or even the GoogleAuth Plugin inclusion from the capacitor.config.json file does not change the result observed.

I'm a relative newbie in this domain, Any suggestions to what could be going wrong, missing config?.

  1. Did you check if the package name in Firebase is the same as your application? I had this problem a few times ago and found that I was checking the firebase.

  2. Check that "REVERSED_CLIENT_ID" is configured correctly in XCode, if you cannot see the reversed_client_id box, just add it manually.

enter image description here

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