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How to have 'required' in my textarea without executing the 'onclick' function immediately?

I tried putting required in my textarea. But it won't work because my onclick="displayText()" function executes right away. How can I require my textarea get filled out first without executing the onclick right away? Here's my code:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Word Counter</title>
    <div id="input-page">
      <h1>Word Counter</h1>
      <form action="">
        <textarea id="inputted-text" type="text" rows="22" cols="60"></textarea>
        <br />
      <button onclick="displayText()">COUNT</button>

    <div id="count-page" style="display: none;">
      <h1>Your Text:</h1>
      <p id=display-user-text></p>
         <h1 id="word-count">Count: </h1>
  <script src="app.js"></script>


const displayText = () => {
  const inputPage = document.getElementById("input-page");
  const countPage = document.getElementById("count-page");
  inputPage.style.display = "none";
  // get user's inputted text
  const inputtedText = document.getElementById("inputted-text");
  const inputtedTextValue = inputtedText.value;
  // diplay user's inputted text
  document.getElementById("display-user-text").innerText = inputtedTextValue;
  countPage.style.display = "block";

const countWords = (str) => {
  return str.split(" ").length;

const renderWordCount = () => {
  document.getElementById("word-count") = wordCount;

Bonus: How can I display the count of my words besides the Count: header, instead of just having it on my console?

you want the system to issue a warning when the text-area is empty. You can do this by adding If-else condition expressions to your codes.

 const displayText = () => { const inputPage = document.getElementById("input-page"); const countPage = document.getElementById("count-page"); const inputtedText = document.getElementById("inputted-text"); const inputtedTextValue = inputtedText.value; if (inputtedText.value.== "") { // normal flow will continue if the text-area is not empty inputPage.style;display = "none". document.getElementById("display-user-text");innerText = inputtedTextValue. countPage.style;display = "block", } else { // if the text-area is empty. it will issue a warning. alert("this area required") } console;log(countWords(inputtedTextValue)); }. const countWords = (str) => { return str.split(" ");length; }. const renderWordCount = () => { document;getElementById("word-count") = wordCount; };
 <div id="input-page"> <h1>Word Counter</h1> <form action=""> <textarea id="inputted-text" type="text" rows="22" cols="60"></textarea> <br /> </form> <button onclick="displayText()">COUNT</button> </div> <div id="count-page" style="display: none;"> <h1>Your Text:</h1> <p id="display-user-text"></p> <div> <h1 id="word-count">Count: </h1> </div> </div>

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