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MongoDB / Geojson $geointersects problems

It's been now 8 hours I'm trying to deal with a MongoDB Geojson $geoIntersects issue:

It's working very well when my polygon is a square, or a rectangle, but I'm unable to get some results from a $geoIntersects request when my Polygon has crossing vertices, like this example:


(Image from ( https://geoman.io/geojson-editor ))

The polygon data looks like this:

        "type": "Feature",
        "properties": {
            "shape": "Polygon"
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [
                    [-1.565584, 47.226352],
                    [-1.564704, 47.226927],
                    [-1.564093, 47.225616],
                    [-1.563138, 47.226374],
                    [-1.565584, 47.226352]
        "id": "dda54a42-090b-46ea-9dd0-fdda6d240f90"

For this example, I need to know if the Polygon includes my Point coordinates. This is my simple query:

    geometry: {
        $geoIntersects: {
            $geometry: {
                type: "Point",
                coordinates: [ -1.555638, 47.216245 ]

Anyone knows if there is a way to do this?

Thanks by advance.

Maybe try with JTS Topology Suite and investigate your polygon:


I don't think $geoIntersects supports Self-intersecting polygon.

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