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Is there any way to switch windows in VScode via keyboard shortcut when the focus is on the terminal?

I would like to switch between windows (vscode) regardless if the focus is on the editor or on (any) terminal. I tried the key binding below in the json file without any luck. Also, dropping the "when" clause or only using terminalFocus doesn't work. It seems I can only switch windows if the focus is on the editor. Would be grateful for any suggestions.

    "key": "ctrl+w",
    "command": "workbench.action.switchWindow",
    "when": "terminalFocus || editorTextFocus"

In my testing I see two options:

(1) It appears that any other keybinding except Ctrl + W works as expected; or

(2) add your command workbench.action.switchWindow to the Terminal > Integrated: Commands to Skip Shell list in your settings if you want to use Ctrl + W as your keybinding.

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