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Open saveas dialog box for another workbook

I am currently working on a temporary solution but run into a problem....

The situation is:

I have a converter built in Excel, that opens up a XLS File, does some tinkering so the file can be uploaded to an Oracle Database.

The problem is, the XLS file I opened I cannot get the Saveas Dialog box to that file, it always saves a copy of the converter instead.

What I need to happen is to open the Saveas Dialog box in a filepath set the file filter for CSV, for the file that i have opened.

RRBOOK.Activate The RR Book is the DIM'd file i opened

Dim FileName As String
FileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("\\FILEPATH\", FileFilter:="CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv), *.csv")
If FileName <> "False" Then
 ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName
End If

Any help would be appreciated!

Avoid using ActiveWorkbook and .Activate .

Instead directly save the desired workbook by

RRBOOK.SaveAs FileName

Also you should specify the file format you wish to save in according to XlFileFormat enumeration and Workbook.SaveAs method .

So for saving as CSV you should eg use

RRBOOK.SaveAs FileName, xlCSV

So you would end up with something like

Dim FileName As Variant
FileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("\\FILEPATH\", FileFilter:="CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv), *.csv")
If VarType(FileName) = vbBoolean And FileName = False Then
    'user pressed cancel
    Exit Sub
    RRBOOK.SaveAs FileName
End If

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